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The Gallery: The best !975 to 1980s ARRA Rodeo image

Categories -> Rodeo -> !975 to 1980s ARRA (1975 to 1980)

[«]  [1]  [2]  [»]

1 RayHermannAlpha1981

1 Warwick 1984

1978 Wolrd Titles 45 thou fans

1985 NFR BullRiders Warwick ke

1991 NFR Troy Dunn G McPhee Bu

2 RayHermann 1981

2 Warwick1984

3 RayHermannAlpha1981

4 RayHermann Alpha1981

Alpha 1981

Bareback FinalistsNFR 1983 War

Bares 1 Warwick 1986 kenyon c

Bares 4 Norm HiltonWarwick 198

Bares 5 NormHilton Warwick 198

Bares 8 Condamine1977

Bares 9 Condamine1977

Bares RickWilsonWarwick 1986 k

Bares Steve Hilton 2 Warwick 1

Bares Steve Hilton Warwick 198

Bares10 Condamine1977

BaresRider2 NFR 1983 Warwick

BaresRiderNFR 1983 Warwick ke

BarrelRaceFinalistsNFR 1983 Wa

BarrelRaceFinalistsNFR 1983 Wa

BarrelRacerc 1 Cond

BarrelRacerc 2 Cond

Bernie Smythe JnrNFR 1984 Warw

BillHughes KenColeman Moore

Bonny,Hedley,Barry and old tim

Bronc Cond

Bronc7 Condamine1977 k

Bronc8 Condamine1977 k

Broncrider at work 1987 Warwic

Bull Conda

Bull Warwick1986 kenyon

Bull 2 Warwick1986 kenyo

Bull 6 Condamine1977 k

Bull 7 Condamine1977 k

Bull Jim McGuire Moore1977 ke

Bull Rider 1

BullRide 2NFR 1984 Warwick ke

BullRide NFR 1984 Warwick ken

CalfRoper 1

CalfRoper 1 Warwick 1986 kenyo

CalfRoper 1B

CalfRoper 2a

CalfRoper Jackson

CalfRopers FinalistsNFR 1983 W

CherlesSampson USA Darryl Kong

Coley Rhinestone 1979

Crowbar 1987 Warwick kenyon c

Darryl Kong Bundaberg1977 ke

Dave Appleton Flying M 1979

Dave Harman NZ Bundaberg1977

Dave Johnston 1987 Warwick ke

DaveJohnstonNFR 1983 Warwick

Des Desaix 1987 Warwick keny

Dogger 2 Mo

Dogger Bundaberg 1977 kenyon

Dogger Ian Simpkin Moore1977

Dogger Wet One 1987 Warwick

Dogger 1 Con

Dogger Bill Hughes Moore1977

Dogger Gra Clarke Moore1977 k

Dogger Graham Clarke _Bardall

Dogger Max Frame Moore1977 ke

Dogger Pat Harrison Bundaberg

Dogger! Moor

Dogging FinalistsNFR 1983 Warw

Dogging FinalistsNFR 1983 Warw

Errol Lather Flying M Sheppart

Exop88 USA Pavilion Stars _ St

Expo1988 Chainsaw in USA Pavil

First Jump Dave Johnston GM CH

Flying M 1979 kenyon c

Flying M G McPhee Bronc 197

Flying M Shepparton 1979 Bareb

Georgia Moore1977 kenyon c

GillsRM NFR 1983 Warwick ken

Gone Moore1977 kenyon c

Goner Moore1977 kenyon c

J DillonD Harman D Kong G Bere

Jim Bailey Flying M Shepparton

K Bowtell GB Bonanza 77 Nerand

Kelly Daley CHAINSAW Tamworth

Ken Coleman Woodall Bronc Alic

Kenyon with Leica gear

Kevin Stockdale Flying M 1978

Kim McTaggart_ MRC 1987 Warwic

Larry Mahan On Stage Sydney 19

Les Bell 1978 World Titles Syd

Les Bell flying M 1979 kenyon

Les Bell Rd1 Warwick 1986

Les Bell Rd1A Warwick 1986

Lindsey Clarke _1 Warwick 1986

Mark Rowe NFR 1984 Warwick ke

Max Flying M 1979 kenyon c

Nev McCarthy Warwick 1986 ken

NFR 1984 Warwick kenyon c

NFR 1985 Saddle Bronc Finalist

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